Secure SMS Server

V2 now Available!

SDMC Secure SMS Server

SDMC Secure SMS Server is a complete SMS server in a box. Aimed at small & medium sized businesses who want to add an SMS gateway to their infrastructure.

Typical use-cases include automated alerting and monitoring.

Secure SMS Server can easily be clustered to provide greater hardware and mobile network resilience.
Contact us for more information

Secure SMS Server

SDMC Secure SMS Server enables businesses of all sizes to implement their own SMS gateway for alerting and monitoring.

Applications and infrastructure can communicate and asks Secure SMS Server to send a message via an API. Communication with the Secure SMS Server is fully encrypted for trusted services.


Secure SMS Server can receive requests to send messages via email. All details regarding the message, To: & Contents, are fully encrypted in a GPG wrapper. Secure SMS Server opens the capsules and validates it against its secure data store. Once validated it executes the preconfigured workflow.